Family law encompasses all manner of domestic relations issues, including but not limited to: divorce, dissolution, separation, pre-nuptial & post-nuptial agreements, child custody, spousal & child support, parenting time, visitation, modification, and property division. Read more on our practice area page, and take a look at the link to our page discussing frequently arising domestic relations matters.
The purpose of personal injury law is to compensate and make a person “whole” for the emotional, physical, or financial harm they’ve suffered, either as the result of an accident or someone else’s intentional act. Our tort law practice area page also contains a link to another page discussing common issues in personal injury claims.
Here at Graves & Swanson LLC, one of our primary goals is to provide direct assistance and legal representation to those in need, especially and including survivors of rape, sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence. This page also contains links to specific info for sexual and domestic violence victims and resources for victims of crime.