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Jacqueline Swanson, Brenda Tracy Fighting to Extend Rape Shield Law

Jacqueline K. Swanson, partner at Graves & Swanson LLC, appeared on KPTV Fox 12 with public rape survivor and advocate Brenda Tracy to discuss SB 261, a bill which would expand Oregon's rape shield law to civil cases.

Attorney Jacqueline Swanson and survivor-turned-advocate Brenda Tracy spoke with KPTV Fox 12 reporter Kaitlyn Bolduc to discuss their legislative advocacy regarding Senate Bill 261, which would extend Oregon's rape shield law to protect sexual assault victims' sexual history in civil proceedings as well as criminal.

Jacqueline Swanson discusses the importance of extending Oregon's rape shield law to civil proceedings

Currently, Oregon law provides protections for sexual assault and rape victims in criminal proceedings by making evidence of a victim's past sexual history or predisposition inadmissible with certain exceptions; however, the law does not extend to civil proceedings. Put forward by Swanson and Tracy, SB 261 would make Oregon law consistent with federal rule of evidence (FRE) 412, which applies to both civil and criminal cases.

Jacqueline Swanson, Victims Rights Attorney in Portland, Oregon, speaks about SB 261

SB 261 is sponsored by Senators Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis), Michael Dembrow (D-Portland) and Laurie Monnes Anderson (D-Gresham). To learn more, visit the Oregon Legislative Information page.

Click here to watch the interview and read the full story, "Sex abuse survivor calling on state lawmakers to expand rape shield law in Oregon," available online at KPTV Fox12.


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