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New Oregon Law: Universities Cannot Threaten Survivors with Discipline for Reporting SA, DV, Stalkin

Good news for sexual violence survivors on college campuses: On May 15, 2017, Governor Kate Brown signed HB 2972 into law! We previously blogged about this legislation in March 2017, after Graves & Swanson LLC partner Jacqueline Swanson offered testimony in support of this bill.

The new law prohibits universities and other institutions of higher education in Oregon from using the threat or imposition of student discipline or other sanctions to influence a sexual assault, domestic violence, or stalking survivor’s decision whether to report the incident or participate in an investigation or adjudication of the incident.

Enrolled HB 2972

The chief sponsors of this bipartisan legislation were Representatives Ann Lininger (D – Lake Oswego) and Sherrie Sprenger (R – Scio) and Senator Kathleen Taylor (D – Milwaukee), joined by regular sponsors Representatives Alonso Leon (D – Woodburn), Jeff Barker (D – Aloha), Julie Fahey (D – West Eugene & Junction City), Mark Meek (D – Clackamas), Ronald Noble (R – McMinnville), Andy Olson (R – Albany), Duane Stark (R – Grants Pass), and Senators Sara Gelser (D – Corvallis), Tim Knopp (R – Bend), and Kim Thatcher (R – Keizer).

We at Graves & Swanson LLC deeply appreciate the Representatives and Senators who put this bill forward, and the advocates and individuals who supported its passage!


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